Thursday, October 05, 2006

MSNBC launches poll on new U.S. anti-online gambling moves

The MSNBC website launched a poll Wednesday to assess opinions on the weekend legislative moves to disrupt financial flows from American players to online gambling sites.

Under the heading "Should Online Gambling Be Illegal?" the poll provides the following three options for visitors:

* Yes, Internet gambling fuels betting addictions.

* No, people should have the freedom to wager any way they choose.

* It doesn't matter what Congress passes, there will always be ways to gamble online.

As of 9:05 am EST when I voted only 2.5% wanted internet gambling to be illegal and a whopping 93% said that people should be allowed to wager any way they choose. It seems congress may be a little out of touch with what the people want. No news there.

Readers can find the poll and vote at

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