Sunday, October 01, 2006

What Kind of Computer Should I Buy for On-Line Poker?

Almost any computer that is connected to the internet will do to play poker online. The most important considerations are that your system is secure and that it runs smoothly. I've lost a hand because my computer froze momentarily. Things like that can cost you a pot or knock you out of a tournament.

The minimum specifications I suggest are as follows:
  • Windows XP with all service packs
  • 1 GHz CPU
  • 256 MB RAM
  • At least 25% free hard drive space
  • Reliable internet connection
recommended system specs:
  • Windows XP with all service packs
  • 2 GHz or faster
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 19 inch or bigger LCD monitor
  • DSL or Cable Internet
  • At least 25% free hard drive space
If you don't even have the minimum suggested specs don't use it as an excuse not to play poker on-line . If you can surf for photos of Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton and pimp out your MySpace page you can play poker online. Just plan on being a little more patient, playing a safer levels and putting aside some of your winnings to buy or build a new system.

Even more important than the system itself is the security and maintenance of your system. First and foremost you need to be generally aware of security and avoid opening suspicious emails, clicking on pop ups or allowing any unknown software or active-x controls to be installed. Microsoft regularly fixes security and stability issues and makes them available through Windows Update. Make sure you use it. Make sure that you have a firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs installed and keep them updated and do regular system scans. Regularly clean your and defragment your hard drives.

Poker Resources

Featured Poker Rooms:Learn to Play Poker Profitably the right way:


Comments on "What Kind of Computer Should I Buy for On-Line Poker?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:39 PM) : 

1MB of ram huh.


Blogger Justin C Kimball said ... (10:00 AM) : 

Good catch! It should have read 1GB of ram and has now been corrected.


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