Friday, September 29, 2006

The U.S. Congress is Trying to Ban Online Poker TODAY!

The following is from an email I recieved from the Poker Players Alliance

"The U.S. Congress is Trying to Ban Online Poker TODAY!

THIS IS NOT A TEST -- Call Your Senator Now

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is attaching the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act to a bill that is expected to be approved by the Congress early this evening. PLEASE call your Senators today and tell them that they should oppose the Internet gambling bill being part of Port Security legislation.

If the Port Security bill passes, with the Internet gambling language included, your ability to enjoy poker online will be at serious risk.

Each member of the Poker Players Alliance has two Senators which are listed below. They need to hear from you RIGHT NOW! Let them know that you care about your rights to play poker."

Click here for a PDF file of Senator's phone numbers.

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