Pot Odds Primer
You hear the term pot odds quite a bit when discussing poker strategy and indeed it is a critical factor in your decision making. But what are pot odds? Pot odds is amount of money in the pot compared to the amount you must put in the pot to continue playing. For example, there is $100 in the pot. The bet is $10, so the pot now contains $110. It costs you $10 to call, so your pot odds are 11:1. Call if your chance of having the best hand is at least 1 out of 12. Pot odds also apply to draws. Let's suppose you have a draw to the nut flush with one card left to come. In this case, you are about a 4:1 underdog to make your flush. If it costs you $5 to call the bet, then there must be about $20 in the pot (including the most recent bet) to make your call correct. Knowing how to calculate pot odds will help you make some of those tough decisions and keep your bank roll nice and fat. ![]() Play Online Poker |
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