Friday, August 25, 2006

A Key to Your Success in Poker

To be a financially successful poker player you need a sufficient bank-roll to get you through bad times, patience and a modicum of skill. You don't need to be Doyle Brunson or Phil Ivey, you need just enough skill to give you a slight edge. The casino's edge in any game is usually a fraction of a percent but it's enough to generate billions a year in profits. Think about that the next time you walk through the Bellagio or any other multi-billion dollar casino/resort.

You can't control the cards so where does this edge come from? For the most part, it comes from the incompetence of your opponents. I just finished play a $10/$20 Limit game where I bought in with $1000 in chips and left with over two grand. How? Did I get lucky or am I just so incredibly good that I can't lose? It was a crazy loose game with lots of callers seeing almost every flop. On a table like this all you have to do to come out ahead is lie in wait until your cards come. At one point I was down about a $200 from folding hand after unplayable hand. Finally I limped in with 87 suited on the button. The flop was a beautiful 456 rainbow (all different suits). It was checked to the short stack in middle position who bet about half his stack. I called, after pretending to ponder the decision, thinking I would trap him and get the rest of his chips later. Everyone folded back around to the first position player who moved all-in. Everyone folded to me. I quickly called and he turned over A6. All he had was a pair of sixes! I not much chance of improving agains my 8 high straight. That one pot added over $1,400 to my stack.

I played for about two hours and in that time I played fewer than a dozen hands but against loose aggressive players a few good hands are all you need to come out ahead.

If you are one of those crazy loose players....I LOVE you!

Poker Resources

Featured Poker Rooms:Learn to Play Poker Profitably the right way:

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