Monday, March 26, 2007

The Moderng Grinder Takes a Bad Beat

As you may have noticed it's been a while, too long in fact, since my last post. Many of you have emailed me expressing concern for the well being of the Modern Grinder. On January 20th my office was broken into and along with the computers over two years worth of work was stolen. Among what was lost were the articles written for the "Quit Your Job" project and a poker e-book that was going to be published later this year among many other things. At about the same time Neteller suddenly withdrew from the US market and the US government started applying pressure banks, payment processors and on-line gambling companies world wide. So the question became was it really worth it to redo all that lost work even though the future of on-line poker is in question? I was definitely thinking about folding. But after a lot of soul searching and reading many of your emails instead I decided to move all-in. So here is what you can expect from the Modern Grinder moving forward; poker strategy, reviews and event coverage on a weekly basis. I am in the process of re-writing "The Quit Your Job and Play Poker for a Living" project and I am convinced that it will be better than the original version and there will be even more opportunities for you to receive personalized poker coaching. I will make all the details available here very soon. Again, thank you for your support.

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