Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Play Poker for Fun And Profit...Can You Do Both?

For most people poker starts as purely a recreational activity. Whether you played in a casino card room, at a the kitchen table or online you probably started playing out of curiosity and only continued to play because you enjoyed the game for the games sake. A funny thing happens once you realize that you pretty good (real or imagined talent) and walk away with some extra spending cash. You start to take the game more seriously and you results become more consistent and you start to pocket more cash each time you play.

Some people start thinking about quitting there day job to become a professional poker player. What once was just a fun past time has now become serious business, literally, You start reading the books, keeping records and spend hours analyzing your results. “If a pushed harder after the flop he probably would have folded and never made that flush on the river, no he was clearly desperate and chasing I would just lost more money he would called anything, but what if I...” If you've ever laid awake in the we hours thinking thoughts like these then you know what I mean.

Eventually your time at the tables becomes as much of a drudgery as your day job. You might even start looking for excuses to play poker. It's not fun anymore. Many people find that when they stop having fun at the tables they also don't win as much or even start losing money. When that happens it becomes even less fun. But if you aren't having fun why play the game at all? “To make money” is a common answer to those questions but there are other ways to make money online and off.

Remember the idea was to make money doing something you enjoy and that poker is a game. Sure you have to take it seriously to make money playing poker but if you aren't having fun you just won't be able to play to your potential and you won't make much money anyway.

It's unrealistic to expect that every moment playing poker will be fun. You will suffer bad beats. Have to put up with obnoxious and annoying players. Sometimes a a bad run can last weeks or months. But if you keep things in perspective and get back in touch with what you once loved about the game in the first place.

In the coming weeks I will be writing posts on how to bring the fun back into playing poker so I suggest you subscribe so that you don't miss out.

P.S. Subscribers will be able to opt-in to a free email poker course on how to play poker online for fun and profit.

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