Friday, November 17, 2006

Think you are a pretty good poker player? 7 Signs that you aren’t as good as you think you are.

Almost everyone who plays poker regularly when asked will tell you that they are pretty good. “Yeah I’ve been having some bad luck lately, but I’m better than most!” The reality is that it just can’t be true for most people, not everyone can be better than most. If it were true there would be no winners or no losers over the long term. So, are you really that good are you lying to yourself?
  1. Other players aren’t as smart as you. Are you constantly frustrated by players who make plays that you consider to be dumb? Do you get angry at those stupid plays that beat you? Well my friend if you play poker for a living it’s your job to identify a players weaknesses and avoiding common traps. Study your opponents and learn to capitalize on their predictability and lack of skill.
  2. You always have to replenish your bank roll. Over the long run everybody's luck is basically the same. The cards will run hot and the cards will run cold. Even the best in the world have gone broke in the past. But if week after week and month after month you are going broke then it is either time to give up poker or you need to seriously revaluate your game.
  3. If you are constantly chasing. Straights or flushes are great but you have to know when they are worth chasing and you have to know when to let them go. You also need to pay attention to the board and betting behavior of your opponents. It really sucks to make your hand only to find out it was second best.
  4. Your emotions affect how you play. If your emotions are causing you to make mistakes at the poker table you either need to get them under control or take a break. If you can’t keep yourself from going on tilt please don’t quit. You are probably making someone like me lots of money. But then again for your sake maybe you should.
  5. You are constantly making excuses for yourself or you feel the need to explain or justify your actions at the poker table. Are you that guy who has to comment on everybody’s play? Do you like to show off a good bluff or explain why you folded? If so stop right now, nobody cares. Your growing stack and the cards should speak for you.
  6. You blame your losses on the site is or game being rigged. This is the excuse of a weak or inexperienced poker player who hasn’t seen enough hands to understand that anything can happen. Monster hands can be beaten on the river by miracle cards in live poker as well as online. Sure it hurts when somebody sucks out when there is only one card in the deck that save them. That’s poker don’t blame it on the site. You can smile to yourself knowing that the other 99% of the time you are in the same situation you will profit from some other idiot chasing that miracle draw.
  7. Criticizing, bad mouthing, arguing belittling other players are all signs you aren’t as good as think you are. If you were that good you wouldn’t feel the need to behave so poorly. Bad sportsmanship will cost you money over time. Nobody will want to play with you or give you action.
If you exhibit any of the signs above and if you are consistently losing when you play poker, then it means that you do need to improve. Take a step back and reevaluate your game. Start keeping records so that you can objectively evaluate your results. Take the time to read some good articles and books on poker. Once you are able to improve your playing strategy and win some money, you can claim yourself a good poker player once again.

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